Where do you buy R/O supplies?

I've order from http://www.airwaterice.com/ ..they sponsored NCPARS last year. I also buy from ThatFishPlace since they are "local" to me.

http://aquariumwaterfilters.com/ (AquaFX) is a current sponsor and we just gave a very nice unit away in a raffle..but I haven't used them yet. http://www.spectrapure.com/ used to sponsor us too (they are an RC sponsor too).

I can't remember the place I bought from a few years back..they used to be an RC sponsor..maybe somebody will remember them because they had great support...they got me the parts I needed to setup an automatic top-off in my RO reserve (not the tank top-off) and help me set it up since I had never done it before.

Consider Ebay,
I just installed my second one (bought from Aqua-Safe) and am perfectly happy. The first one lasted for over 3 years. I probably could have replaced all 5 filters and got it working again, but I got another unit with a 3 gallon pressurized reservior tank for a bit over $100.
I am local to TFP also, and they are way over-priced compared to Aqua-safe.