where to buy black acrylic


Where can you purchase black acrylic,or I just might paint it black.Need to get 2 pieces to build the weir for my 240.Also how hard is it to bend it.I have a industerial heat gun.
You might get a better answer for how to bend it in the DIY forum. I've read there that heating it in the oven works pretty well. I think the main things are even heating and work slow.
Dave, there's a fabrication house near Macon Road & Col-Arlington Road, but for the life of me, I can't think of the name of the place.

If someone knows who they are, they will have a good source for material. I've used them before for some Very reasonable, but high-end display stands for some Carbon Brakes used on jet aircraft.
It is not hard al all to bend with a heat gun , just go slow.

Use some scaps to play with first. If you need some scrap I have some clear Shards you are welcome to.
I think some folks have used electric pipe heating (thawing) wire to bend acrylic. Seems to me I've seen a you-tube diy video posted once upon a time
You might try and call some of the local glass shops to acrylic material too