where to get aquarium


New member
hello my fellow fish lovers. do you guys know where in south florida, fort lauderdale or miamior WPB, I can buy aquariums. how much would you guys guestimate the cost for 55 gl cube tank
I would try to find something here all the LFS are way to $$$$$. I ended up buying my tank atPetco or petsmart and converting it because it was cheaper, but I wouldnt say better... GL!
I've heard good things about the tanks built by Exotic Aquariums in Miami, off Bird Rd. I've met the master tank builder, and he's a really cool guy who does most, if not all, of the custom glass tank work in south FL, from LFSs from Miami to WPB, they send him the order and he sends them the tank complete, so might as well get it direct from him.

A few other people on here have been appraising new tanks recently, so maybe they can chime in.

Good luck
look around at the lfss i just found a custon 130 gallon for 200 bucks at exotic they had a customer who canceled and its now my baby
i second henry from reef aquariums across from exotic, much nicer to talk to in my opinion compared to anyone from exotic.

Henry always has a tank hes building in the store, you can see first hand his skills,

if i had the money for a custom id go with henry, very quick tocomplete them too
thanks guys great feedback. tell me, what would you guys guestimate the cost for a 45 gl custom tank and do these guys build the stands and canopy?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
I've heard good things about the tanks built by Exotic Aquariums in Miami, off Bird Rd. I've met the master tank builder, and he's a really cool guy who does most, if not all, of the custom glass tank work in south FL, from LFSs from Miami to WPB, they send him the order and he sends them the tank complete, so might as well get it direct from him.

A few other people on here have been appraising new tanks recently, so maybe they can chime in.

Good luck
Eric there's 3 or 4 people making customs tanks down south.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=#post target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macawmagic
lol...that was eric...i'm keith...on a side note. your corals at roggers.
right I always mess u guys up.
BTW thx i will get them in here. My new project.