This is fulll of it.. You did not ship my order out yet, and thus PLEASE DO NOT CHARGE me for what I DID NOT WANT.
IF you did ship it out, why NOT A SHIPPING NUMBER?? MAN, this is just outrageous. I am displeased in the fact that my emails b4 this event was just empty replies. The guy taking care of me earlier stopped reply. I had to MYSELF go out and seek and ask for answers. I had to resolve by going to the boards. Otherwise I would've been jipped and confused.
If you saw multiple email address, why didn't you open all of them and reply at least? Why did you ignore it? Because of busiiness of operation time? I asked if you guys were shipping it individually or as a total, that is it.
You guys have diff't people sending me diff't things, telling me diff't things. PLease do not charge my C.C. or run it w/o my consent. You guys have a faulty C.C. system, or whatever my bank, my c.c. But that doesn't mean you have to go and charge it, and then if rejected, SEND me an email saying it didn't work and asking me what I'd like to do and RECHARGE IT AGAIN to see w/o consent..
Please update.. I am furious.. =\ I've ordered many times w/o problems from you guys......b4..