Where would you place this sps piece?


I gotta say Seaside and Tongs have really be upping their sps game lately. I scored this mini colony at Seaside in HB yesterday. I've been extremely happy to see these LFS seeing the demand for sps and making the transition, offering some very nice maricultured pieces. I've found some real gems over the last year or two without the insane price tags of LE pieces.

This ones an Aussie piece:
DSC_0433 by matthew schueneman, on Flickr

What do you think, more red in higher par or woudl i just lose that yellowish green body? Looks like the tips are hinting at purple so I'm tempted to place it high.

Tank is 6x2x2 with 4 radions g3 Pro w. Modified AB+ to more white. Slider says 14k on ecosmartlive. 90% overall intensity.

Ill post up some more scores in this thread. Feel free to share you're unnamed/maricultured ect pieces you scored at a LFS, and feel free to give them a shoutout if you care too.

I believe those would be technically "wild caught" or "wild harvested". Maricultured are farmed at sea.

But anyway, great piece. I would say mid placement to not over expose or under-expose it to light.

Med to high flow.

But that's just me. That's what I would do.

PM me if u ever want to trade sps.

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Ah thanks for the correct terminology. Trades are always good. I'll PM you once my reef starts filling in more.
Agreed. The only SPS that I've had RTN were wild caught from Tongs. I purchase exclusively from ASD now.

Ah that's a bummer man. 1 of 5 colonies RTN so far but have had many more frag sized pieces survive. I was able to salvage the smallest of pieces on the one. It did become a very expensive micro frag though!

I feel Tongs sps tanks are healthier than they once were. I've seen colonies in there over 6 months surviving well. Before they seemed to already be in rough shape at the time of purchase. I think that has something to due with my recent success with pieces from there.