where'd everyone go?


In Memoriam
Whats going on with everyones tanks, havent' seen much action on here lately. Anyone interested in maybe carpooling to tampa or miami on a weekend to check out the LFS I want to see what they have around them big cities :)
some of us work ;-)

nothing new with my tank at all - NOTHING.

I still need a sump, return pump & everything to go into it ... i kind of doubt that i'll be able to fill it before x'mas this year.

ryan ... do you want to buy a house?
lol no I'm not house shopping at this time... i wish i was but unfortunately i'm a broke college student who's not making much headway sofar.

My tank on the other hand looks great. I got lots of sps in the tank and several new fish, its been cyclying less and less bad algeas every day. I got the fuge running and I couldn't be happier at this point.