where's the Pearlberry

Brother, the frags are doing great. As a matter of fact, they are the only ones doing good in the tank now. I stripped no3/po4 with prodibio way to fast and since them my tank has been a mess. I had to start dosing kno3 and overfeed like a mofo. But i think the sudden change in nutrients took a toll on most thing. I have lost some acros to stn/rtn, so as of now im holding on to dear life praying nothing else goes bad. I would poat pics but its shamefull now lol

Those corals/frags have been with me through it all, countless aefw dips, tank moves, alk spikes, low nutrient , high nutrient and flat out pure neglect( when things seem to do best lol). Hope your tank pulls through, and die off stops, stinks when things aren't doing well. I have stripped all the nitrate, carbon dosing, and all the phosphate with lanthanum and results are never good. Tried dosing sodium nitrate and same thing, STN/RTN. So pretty much back to the basics, Alk, Ca, Mg, a little vinegar, feed like crazy, and the occasional water change

Hopefully the frags grow out, so you can get a pieces of your coral back and anyone else that wants one (Rovster).
Those corals/frags have been with me through it all, countless aefw dips, tank moves, alk spikes, low nutrient , high nutrient and flat out pure neglect( when things seem to do best lol). Hope your tank pulls through, and die off stops, stinks when things aren't doing well. I have stripped all the nitrate, carbon dosing, and all the phosphate with lanthanum and results are never good. Tried dosing sodium nitrate and same thing, STN/RTN. So pretty much back to the basics, Alk, Ca, Mg, a little vinegar, feed like crazy, and the occasional water change

Hopefully the frags grow out, so you can get a pieces of your coral back and anyone else that wants one (Rovster).

Thanks Brother, but i keep loosing frags to rtn/stn. I have lost about 10 in the last week or so. Yours are actually doing better than most of my older ones. Specially that Paris Hilton Millie., it looks amazing!!. Sucks i cant get a hood pic of it. Today i woke up to see my scc and CC raspberry shortcake completely rtn :(. I have to say this is the first time if over 15 yrs of doing this my tank has crashed..not cool.
sorry to hear tank is not doing well, hope it turns around for you quick, not fun when a tank goes down
Yea man thank. Oh btw that purple planet you gave me its looking amazing as well, its changing colors at the base and up. Ill take a pic tonight so you can see it. Looks amazing. Guess thats the only good thing happening to the tank, and the milli.