Which digital camera?


New member
Hi all, i'm new to this forum and was wondering which digital camera to buy as there are so many out there. I checked out melevs post but there are still too many to choose from. I want a stylish, yet portable digital camera that takes excellent shots of not only corals (macro) but scenery as well. DSLR's are out of the picture for me as i dont want to deal with the lenses, etc... Pricing is a factor, however, if i feel that the features of the camera is worth what you pay for then i'd consider it. So far, i only have 2 cameras in mind which are the Olympus Stylus and the Canon powershot d10. The thing with the d10 is that it has an odd look imo.

I need help finding the 'perfect' camera! Please recommend me some cool camera's to choose from.

THANKS ALOT!!!:rollface:
Thanks for the reply guys, but im trying to look for a camera that is a bit more 'sleek' if you know what i mean. Im still in my teenage years and i'd also like to use this camera to go out and take pics as well. Any other suggestions???

My Mom just bought a Sony Cybershot, and loves it. It is something crazy like 14.1mp (which you'll likely never need unless you're making huge poster sized prints). The Cybershot is full of options, and is "sleek" as required.


Sony Cybershot T70 photo courtesy www.ifa-show.com
Thanks for the great suggestions and simplifying the choices for me :spin1:, now its time for me to test each of those cameras out at the store!! :wavehand:

PS. if you have any more suggestions, im sure all the others on the board and i would love to hear them!