Which digital Camera?


New member
what is the best digital camera out there that is not insanely priced (over $1000). and then what is the best digital camera that is under $500.
There really is no "best"... if there were all the other companies would be out of business :p
What you can do is define what types of pictures you want to take with the camera, define your skill level and how much you want to learn, define if you want to make prints and if so how big and lastly, your budget. Once you've got all that nailed down what you try to do is find the camera that is "best" for the given criteria. Wish it was simpler than that but there are too many variables and, thankfully, too many choices!
take a look at www.dpreview.com its the best camera forum and review site on the net. If your looking for a compact, I did loads of research and purchased a Fuji F30. You might want to look at its review. If your getting a DSLR then you might want to look at the Nikon D50 or Canon Rebel or for a sweet price check out the Olympus D500