Which Direction


I'm still designing a new tank, and I need some advice on water flow. I am looking at getting a pair of 6060s and putting them in the back corners, pointing at an angle to the opposing corner (back left pointing towards front right, and back right pointing towards the front left). The tank will be 40x20x20 with SPS mainly in the middle of the tank. My question is this, will the SPS in the back middle get enough flow or would it be better to point the two directly at each other parrellel to the back of the tank (Back left to Back right, and one in the back right pointing back left)? My thought is that in a small tank like this, and with as much flow as the tunzes put out, the back middle SPS should be getting enough random flow. The reason I am asking, is because I want to build an acrylic box like this:


and I need to know where would be the best place to point them beforehand. Thanks.

I would advise against that because A: you lose more space and B: I can't give a 100% positive positioning recommendation that will be perfect. If this is what you want to do though, you could place them on either end aimed across or back corner aimed to the front center. They should be high up in the tank, about 6" from the top so you get good surface movement. With the 6060's I don't think you can really get a random flow because they cannot be controlled or used on wavemakers so the flow will be static but you can alternate the direction at 1hr intervals.