Are there any symptoms that you are seeing on any of the fish that are still alive or died? white spots, skin peeling, head shaking, scratching/flashing, white stringy poop, cloudy eyes...ect?
From what I understand you suspect that some of the fish died from ich and brook.
The best treatment for brook is a couple of formalin baths over a several day period where the fish is transferred to a new sterile tank after each bath. Only the fish gets transferred and no equipment.
For ich, there are 4 known treatments that are known to work like mentioned before:
wrasses seem to be sensitive to CP to that would be out.
TTM is great if you are sure its ich and not velvet.
I think your best bet would be copper (I would use chelated copper like Coppersafe for the fish list you have left).
you want to add it slowly bringing the concentration up over 3-5 days to the therapeutic level. the concentration you want for coppersafe is 2ml/g. Measure how much water is in the qt and apply the right amount of copper. don't go by how many gallon the tank is rated for. for example 30g tank usually holds about 28-29g and not 30g. you want to keep this concentration for 30 days. No Prime or ammonia reducers can be used with copper! you will have to do water changes and the new water should be premixed with the correct copper concentration.
you can move them out of copper after 14 days IF you have another tank thats been setup and been at least 10' away with new water and that the threputic level has been sustained for the whole 14 day duration.. Again only the fish should be transferred with no equipment or minimal water to avoid cross contamination. then observe for 4 weeks or while your tank goes fallow.
Copper will treat for ich and velvet.
No one really knows whats in Paraguard so its success has not been verified. same with copper safe and ich x. They don't really work 100%.
Display needs to be fish-less for a minimum of 76 days and that will ensure eradication of brook, velvet and ich. Make sure no cross contamination occurs between your qt and display ever.