Which SB Reef Lights for 120g SPS reef?


New member
I'm working on gathering up everything for my first build in 10 years (wife approved my return!) and am going with a 120g (48x24x24) and am hoping to eventually keep mostly SPS in it. My original plan was to just use a cheap hydroponic T5 fixture (Sun Blaze 6 or 8 bulb) with ATI bulbs, but I have now switched my focus over to SB Reef Lights LED fixtures. I'm considering 2 of the sBox 16" Basics. Will that work?

If it does work, any advice on the starting settings? Sounds like a lot of people turn them down they are so powerful.

Thank you!
I'm working on gathering up everything for my first build in 10 years (wife approved my return!) and am going with a 120g (48x24x24) and am hoping to eventually keep mostly SPS in it. My original plan was to just use a cheap hydroponic T5 fixture (Sun Blaze 6 or 8 bulb) with ATI bulbs, but I have now switched my focus over to SB Reef Lights LED fixtures. I'm considering 2 of the sBox 16" Basics. Will that work?

If it does work, any advice on the starting settings? Sounds like a lot of people turn them down they are so powerful.

Thank you!
Nothing wrong with a 6 or 8 bulb T5. That being said, my 25 cube has a SB reeflight 16" Elite. I love it. My other tank is a 29 gallon and had 1 Kessil 360we. And 2 retrofit T5 bulbs. 1 blue plus 1 coral plus.
My advice for SPS dominant as your goal stated a 120 gallon probably need 3 16" SBs to avoid shadowing and such. An 8 bulb T5 fixture would work alone with a good bulb combo. Those SBs are powerful enough and if you do just go with 2, you can get creative with your scape and do a couple tall mounts directly under the lights where you could do SPS focused placement. Softies on bottom and so on. Good luck and post pic doing a build thread.

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Thank you! I haven't gotten the tank itself yet since I still need to repaint the living room (where it is going) first so I haven't had the chance to figure out the scape yet, but I have been tempted to do exactly as you mentioned and have two mounts centered under each light. I've also been tempted long term to add a t5 retrofit kit for 2 bulbs to reduce shadowing.
Thank you! I haven't gotten the tank itself yet since I still need to repaint the living room (where it is going) first so I haven't had the chance to figure out the scape yet, but I have been tempted to do exactly as you mentioned and have two mounts centered under each light. I've also been tempted long term to add a t5 retrofit kit for 2 bulbs to reduce shadowing.
Always a good option as well.

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I'm running a single 16" sb reef light on my 36x18x16 40 breeder. I'd be surprised if you end up needing 3 but I guess if you're only doing sps and want it packed you might. I removed the lenses on mine to allow the light to spread out wider and it is working well for me. I do not have any sps yet, but plan to add some soon. My hammers and acans are thriving out towards the edges where my lighting is the weakest. I run my lights at 30% blue and 5% whites. I'd say they are pretty powerful. I run 6hrs at peak, and I ramp up for an hour before and ramp back down for an hour after, for a total of 8hrs. I will probably back that off some though as I'm getting a little algae growth.
2 sbox 16" units will not equal the blanket coverage 8x54 watt t5ho will. You'll have two hard hot spots under the lights.

You would really do better with 4 of them and hang them about 18" over the water to get even coverage and optimum par.

I'd actually suggest you revisit your idea about the sun blaze, and instead pick up a pair of SBar actinic led strips to flank the t5ho unit with front and back so you can enjoy the pop of LEDs in the evening, but take advantage of the blanket coverage, perfect spectrum, and proven growing power of t5ho

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Sounds like I may just go with the T5 fixture after all. Probably easier for a novice too. I had only been considering LED due to the cost of replacing bulbs every year, but still obviously worth it or I wouldn't be in this hobby. Assuming I do go this route, I'll get good ATI bulbs for it.

Thank you all so much for your help!

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Sounds like I may just go with the T5 fixture after all. Probably easier for a novice too. I had only been considering LED due to the cost of replacing bulbs every year, but still obviously worth it or I wouldn't be in this hobby. Assuming I do go this route, I'll get good ATI bulbs for it.

Thank you all so much for your help!

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Cool. If its an 8 bulb. And its probably 48" or even 60" the bulbs will cost you 180 bux every 6 to 8 months to keep your SPS thriving. I use LED and t5 now. T5 has been a benchmark for years and with products like Reef Brite strips for effect and shading. Cant go wrong. ATI bulbs seem to be the benchmark.
Good luck. Let us check it out when you get it wet.

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