Which tank?


Acropora Nut
I am debating on four different tank options. The peninsular and dual external overflow tanks are both 72"x40"x22". The two tanks with the internal island overflow are 84"x42"x22". If I pick the peninsular look I will have four viewable sides, I will use Tunze Turbelle 2 streams in the Tunze rock to hide them and run the cords down the overflow so they are hidden. For the external overflow tanks I will use Vortech pumps. On the peninsular tank they will be where the black overflow panel is. For the tank with the dual external overflows they will be placed on the sides of the glass. The walk around tank will have to be rimless while the peninsular and dual overflow tank will be eurobraced. I am worried that the tank with one internal island overflow will not be sufficient to skim the 84"x42" water surface and in the corners I will get the dirty film on the top of the water, this is why I included a tank with two internal overflows. I like the having four viewable sides but this will cost much more than the other two styles since the tank is larger and going to be rimless. My favorite choice is the tank with the dual external overflows but I'm afraid I won't be able to clean the back glass panel, work on the overflows, or move corals in the back center of the tank as I am only 5' 10". I am open or suggestions as nothing is set in stone.


Front view


Back view


Top view
Same here.

My issue with the overflows in the center of tanks is they are like cutting your aquascaping depth in half or worse. You need to place rock around them to hide them as well so in the end you're barely left with any room for corals to grow on those rocks. And all of this in what *should* be a very nice and wide tank.

My 0.02 =)
My tank is like your design #4. I love the external overflows. In my case, the back panel between the overflows is transparent because that is the view from the filtration room and I really enjoy being able to see into the tank since I spend so much time back there. This provides me 4 sided viewing.

My tank is only 72" wide...but 48" front-to-back. Since it is built of 1" acrylic with Eurobracing on top, I can actually sit/stand on top of the tank to access any part of it. Had I known this in advance, I would probably have built the tank 72" x 72" because accessing any part of the tank is not a concern like it might be with glass.

Here's a view of the tank to give you an idea...
My choice will be either #1 or #3

#1 for obvious reason, since my tank looks like this one but smaller ... :P

#3 was my ideal tank but I didn't have enough space to have a 4 viewables side tank of that dimensions ... Maybe I could went I would buy my own house :P

I discard #2 because 2 central overflow may be to hard to aquaspace and #4 because I really like peninsula :P