Which thread/topic has helped or enlightened you the most?

Anyone?!?!?! Please share with us because somebody may find the thread useful just as you did.

I'm assuming you are speaking of the zoanthid forum only for this question correct?

I'd say most recently, this thread. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2053654

I've always advised and utilized Peppermint Shrimp to eradicate Aptaisa, and learn via the thread above that they will also attack Hydroids. I never knew.

Good thread Jarrod.

Mucho Reef
I have LAZY Peps. getting them out before I convert my cube to ( dedicated NANO fish tank ) strictly all fish less then 2" ....
Don't get rid of your peppermints. Just stop feeding your tank for a short time. Peppermints will eat aiptasia, but only if there's no other alternative.

@Jarred1, Great thread BTW! Sorry, I don't have a link to add.
Honestly I cannot name one rather they are more like chapters in a book and they build upon one another.
Which thread or topic has helped, enlightened, opened your eyes or have you learned or benefited the most from and why? Also, copy that link and share it with your reply.

For example the thread that helped me the most is 25 reasons why your polyps won't expand, the link to that thread is below.


I just read this cause Ive had some closed zoas and I definetly have to second this.
Man! I hate homework.

I will see what I can find but off the top of my head I would have to say one of the let it grow threads and/or growth rates etc. since that was my focus on my current tank compared to collecting everything in sight.
May I go play now?


But seriously I do think one topic builds upon another and each is related to the other.

The thing that makes a reefer successful is not his/her equipment (though it can help to a degree) rather the ability to observe, understand, and make the connection between all of those topics.

Also the moment you think you have it all figured out is usually right before everything falls apart.
Yep, it was and is a great thread, I remember that thread vividly like it was yesterday. Note the date, it hit 3 pages in under a week. I miss those days.

OK J, back on topic, my bad.


PS. No one else has a favorite, best, most helpful etc thread ? No one?
Too many threads to even start to try and find, so I will share the Topic that most enlightened me-

Zoanthid/Palythoa Dips!!!!! There are a bunch out there, and many are for very different uses/issues. And new ones are popping up all the time.
All threads with posts about equipments, when I searched for new ones.
So good to be able to read about the equipments and other's experiences with them.
That alone saves you lots of headaches and money in the investment!!!
Most precious threads to me are those.
They are the ones we can't find in books.

I'd like to add this to your list Jarred. Just shocked to hear actual incidents from our own members in this thread and some of the links from top to bottom.



That is a good thread, when I first got into the saltwater hobby I never knew of all the dangers that come with it! The cases are so few and far between that most people brush it off and think it can't happen to them.
To be very honest Jarrod, I think it is far more common than we've been lead to believe. Just look at the reefers who have chimed in to this thread alone.

I found a lot of literature on line and here's but one of them from 2003 that also references 35 cases at the bottom of the link below as far back as 1966.


Mind you, all cases may not be reported and documented. I haven't found actually real time stats yet, however even without them, and seeing those who have been infected here, I'm 100% convinced that this is of great concerned to everyone. There's no need for anyone to panic or be afraid of reefing, just vigilant.

Mucho Reef
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