which Tunze for 125 mixed reef


New member
Hi Roger, which pumps would I need for a standard 72" 125 g mixed reef?I've had 2 x 6095 on a 75g with the 7092 controller which I don't have anymore and they worked great(sorry I sold them) Also I don't actually like the wave feature.On the older controller I had the pumps alternating 100% one side 30% the other and liked that ,can this be done with the newer controller,thanks.
2 6095's could work but may be a little underpowered, the 6105's will be overkill but can be turned down as needed, I would go with the 6105's, it is what I generally recommend for tanks over 5ft long. The built in controllers have the same features as the 7092, wave and pulse modes. To do an interval mode you would need the 7095, 7096 or a 3rd party controller.
Thanks Roger,just to be clear,I could do the 100% 30% alternating side to side with the new controller? Interval is something different right?
Pulse mode (included with the 7090 built in) with inverse would let you alternate them from 30 to 100 every 2-10 seconds, Interval lets you run one at 30% or off for several minutes or hours while the other pulses between 2 speeds.