Which Tunze?/Where to place in 90Gallon tank?


New member
Which Pump/controller kit would be optimal for a 90 gallon tank? Do I need one pump or 2? The tank is 18 inches front to back and 48" length. Also where would be the best place to mount the pump/s?? Thanks!
I have the same tank and I run two 6000's but there on single controllers, I'm getting the multiontroller soon. I run both at the same time but one will run at 100% while the other is running at 50% and vice versa. I have them mounted on the sides of the tank one pointing towards the front and the other pointing towards the other stream. My SPS love it
So with 2 do you get any areas with lower flow, or does it pretty much cover your whole tank?? I'm just worried about dead spots.
I use two of them in my 90 and the only dead spots I have is directly under the streams. I have each of them in the back corners pointed a little past the front center of the tank.
I'm also thinking about getting a Tunze Stream for my 90G. The budget will only allow for one. I was looking at the 6000 w/7091 controller. The ~ $300 price is about as much as I want to spend. The plan is to mount it to one side and have it pointing to the other, flow is end to end across the 4' length.

Would it be better to mount it on the rear glass pointing toward the front glass?

I do have a sandbed. Would I have any issue with sand being blown around with either setup?
I would either go lengthwise or diagonally across the tank. Sand disturbance is a possibility but you can reduse the flow to help with this problem and generally on a mature sand bed this isn't an issue. Just be sure to clean the pump if sand is ever stirred up.