which tunze?


Premium Member
I have a 75g mixed reef and I was wondering which Tunze would be best fit for me. I was thinking 6080, but I am not sure if that's going to be too much flow. What do you all think?
I have a Mag 9.5 return. I want to remove the maxijets, so the Mag and the Tunze would be the only source of flow.
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A 6060 should be fine. You're getting somewhere around 750? gph via your Mag, so adding another 1600gph from the 6060 would put you at 2350gph total -- about 31X turnover which is about as far as I've been able to push it with my mixed tank. I can't get the softies to cooperate with any more than the 32X I'm currently at.

If you can do the Tunze with controller, you'll like it a lot more over the long run. I will eventually replace my 6060s with them, just not yet...
What about the 6080? Would that be too much? I'm mainly concerned about my sandstorms, corals dying from too much flow, that sort of thing...
A 6080 might be okay since the flow would travel a full 4' before hitting your sand. I have the pair of 6060s installed as below:


Even the downward flow from the crossed streams creates significant sand movement in the bottom center of the tank -- but again that's only 3'. Actually slightly off center to the left on purpose for how I set the tank up (softies / anthelia / LPS on the right side of the center island so I wanted lower flow there). It's stable now, but only with LR chunks buried in the sand. My softies don't like being anywhere near that part of the tank...