White Tail Trigger?


New member
Hello everyone, I still am putting money down toward a 125 gallon or a 180 maybe even a 240 i havent decided yet. Today though at my local lfs i saw a White Tail Trigger, it seemed to have an awesome personality but just seemed mean! I havent seen a lot of info about them on the forum so i was just curious to there temperment. My first impression was that these guys are terribly aggressive but like i said i have no info to go on just personal observation.
Look here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/triggers/sufflamen/index.htm

Note the tails, one has a band on it (Sufflamen albicaudatus) the other does not (Sufflamen chrysopterus).

I also looked into this trigger, from my understanding they are aggressive triggers but very nice looking triggers......lol The one with the band is more peaceful but still very aggressive, the one without the band is just more aggressive. they are often mislabeled at the LFS.

Hope this helps,