Who actually has a full size Volitans Lionfish???


New member
I never see or hear much about them on this forum...I've seen the pictures, but I am curious how many of you actually have a full size, or nearly fully size Volitans Lionfish in your tank. How large is he, what size tank do you have, and what else do you have in your tank??? I am just curious. Pictures would be great too :D
At the one LFS by my house they have 2 15 inchers in a 1000g tank that is connected to the rest of their saltwater system, except the reef stuff.
I see them a lot in "fish only tanks"...why is that? I mean, I know they will eat just about anything smaller than them...but why not keep some corals in with them as well?
It's generally a "waste production" issue. Larger predators, though reef safe technically produce equally large amounts of waste that would make a good number of coral species difficult to maintain in a closed system. But that doesn't mean it can't be done. It just limits the species somewhat.
We've had a V.Lionfish for a year now, in our 240g. - he was really small at the time and his coloring made it a little difficult to tell for sure- the LFS said they thought he was a dwarf.... well, he isn't! He's still not real big, but has grown considerably- we'll probably trade him in before long. He's such a big fat baby, and a beggar, I hate to get rid of him, but I don't want to chance him having any of his tankmates for lunch! Along w/him, we have 2 yellow tangs, purple tang, naso tang,coral beauty angel, bi-color angel, maroon clown, 2 perculas, royal gramma, mandarin, pair of pyjama cardinals, flame hawk... I think that's it. And all the smaller species of fish we have- they've all been w/us for several years and they're quite large for their type. Even the cardinals- so, right now, I think I'm safe, but 3-6 mths., he'll probably be a "trade-in". He's never bothered anything or anybody. He just hangs around the front of the glass, waiting for fingers to dip into the water w/some kind of goodies! And the crazy thing even likes plain ole' fish flakes!
Acrocrazy- that's hilarious- good names for the Volitans! hehe
oh- and as far as feeding him- he only gets "his" stuff (silversides, mysis), every 3 days or so. They have a very low metabolism- and I don't want him getting bigger any faster than he is!
When I started into this hobby, I wanted corals and a lion. So I did. He started with a body of about 3" and now he's probably 7". I successfully keep a yellow tang, and a clown that needs his anemone. He came before the lion. I also recently lost a mandarin that I've had for 2 years. I've been very selective with the fish i've had in my tank, and no shrimp, obviously. I'm considering giving him to a larger home so I can evolve my tank into something with more inverts and smaller, more colorful fish.
I wonder how a volitans would do in a 180 gallon with a couple of hippo tangs or perhaps a powder brown or sailfin tang, a snowflake eel, and a Majestic Angelfish??
it's probably controversial, but IME, it's been fine so far. Those are sizeable enough species and semi-aggressive, they should inhabit okay together... however, I have no idea on an eel...?