We've had a V.Lionfish for a year now, in our 240g. - he was really small at the time and his coloring made it a little difficult to tell for sure- the LFS said they thought he was a dwarf.... well, he isn't! He's still not real big, but has grown considerably- we'll probably trade him in before long. He's such a big fat baby, and a beggar, I hate to get rid of him, but I don't want to chance him having any of his tankmates for lunch! Along w/him, we have 2 yellow tangs, purple tang, naso tang,coral beauty angel, bi-color angel, maroon clown, 2 perculas, royal gramma, mandarin, pair of pyjama cardinals, flame hawk... I think that's it. And all the smaller species of fish we have- they've all been w/us for several years and they're quite large for their type. Even the cardinals- so, right now, I think I'm safe, but 3-6 mths., he'll probably be a "trade-in". He's never bothered anything or anybody. He just hangs around the front of the glass, waiting for fingers to dip into the water w/some kind of goodies! And the crazy thing even likes plain ole' fish flakes!
Acrocrazy- that's hilarious- good names for the Volitans! hehe