who has a problem with wild collecting?

My beliefs are pretty hard lined. No one but permitted researchers, mariculturallists etc., should harvest any fish, coral etc., that can not be bred or propagated in captivity. No harvesting for indidual hobbyists at all. I also believe therefore only captively bred, propagated etc species should be able to be leaglly sold or purchased with out permits. I do not have a problem with private, and even commercial permits being issued to breeders or propagators to harvest limited numbers of stock that they suceesfully breed or propigate if they need to expand stock genetic strains, but I also believe in strong oversite of this action. If a commercial breeder wany to introduce another species to the operation a person should be trained to deal with this species by another licensed breeder and thereby certified. Repeated failures by the certified breeder even after bcertification eans a loss of that individuals certification and, therefore the facilities permit for that breed etc.
The technology already exists for a new generation of coal fired power plant that emits no carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and what little carbon dioxide it produces is food grade. Its main pollutant produced is nearly pure hydrogen. Several have been built under government reserach grants. Several existing plants have been modified into these plants with goverment grants. The outcome results were thay they work ver well, but the electricity produced would cost 20 percent more without calculating in the money eraned by selling the clean carbon dioxide and nearly pure hydrogen. The power companies do not want to spend the money to build or modify and wont if they are not required to as the old power plants are still usable and more profitable.

So the present top shelf design by the goverment is to try to trap and colect CO2 and pumped it into empty oil wells and caverns as well as under the ocean and maybe into the deep ocean wg here thet say it will nearly solodify under the pressure and cold conditions. they have tried but so far not found ocena storage possible. They can get it to work in laboratories though so they keep trying. They have spent huge sums of monet in grants to build and modify coal plants where they can strip the CO2 out of the exhaust stacks to later pump it into caverns and the ocean. Much more than they have spent on the new gw eneration plants producing hydrogen.
as i said this is a twisted world and unless its good for some high official with unlimited funding then nobody will listen . we should use what we can because they will take it or kill it if its worth it monitarily . this place is gonna burn and freeze a bunch more times so what does it matter what we do while we are here . i do realize that people will hate my comments but the truth is the truth and it is what it is . sorry but thats the way i see our destiny.
I see no problem with people collecting for their own use. In Tampa people often collect in the bay and get snails and a few other items. It does not really reduce the mortality very much. People often keep a seahorse or other interesting fish that they end up not wnating or being able to keep. If you collect by SCUBA (few people do) bringing the fish to the surface and transport are not that simple. I am thinking about going to Fort Pierce tomorrow to collect and the gas will cost me more than the value of the fish I hope to get. I like to get out on the water and keep a local tank that it is hard to find the fish in the store.

People who think that the USA regulates carbon dioxide emissions need to read the newspaper more closely. The Obama administration has proposed regulating CO2 but it has not passed yet and may never pass. We are getting deeper and deeper into warming and the US is still doing nothing.

There are no functioning coal power plants that sequester CO2 anywhere in the world. Coal companies falsely claim that it is possible to do. It may be possible to sequester CO2, but it has not been demonstrated. The recent stimulus package includes money to build a pilot plant to sequester CO2 from coal.
thanks for your comments sweetdreamfiji ,you are on key with reality . i wish it was different and perfect but its so far from it that i really doubt we can get on the right track in time to "save" the planet as we see it . it really is all about money , the reason that we are in a recession with 12% unemployment is simply because we have been selling out for years and finally we sold to many jobs . we will never get them back in large numbers and im sorry to say it will spiral out of controll .this is one of the reasons that i support taking from the reefs ,simply to little to late .
I think wild collecting should never be done. You destroy the beautiful Ocean reefs when you harvest corals and fish. Plus there are benfits to the environment by reefs. I don't mind if people frag corals from the ocean, like breaking off a branch of a coral, but don't take the whole thing.
there are many that cannot be fragged in such a way . you have to understand that what we are taking is so small in comparison to what is being killed off by global warming and man made pollution . we are destroying the reefs at great speed just by the huge corperations excessivly polluting and not being held accountable for their actions . what do we do with the ornamental fish and corals ? i thinke they are much better preserved in out reef tanks than on the reefs themselves . also we can frag them into great numbers over the period of years. i have a few corals that i have fragged 30 or 40 times in five years and that makes more of a difference by not removing them from the reefs in great numbers.they,the reefs will die and regenerate so many time over the period of a million years we just aint gonna make that big of a difference IMO .
Wild collecting can be done in a sustainable manner. It is just another type of fishing. I know fishermen have a bad reputation but it is done sustainably in many locations. The amount collected for aquariums is so small compared to the resource there are only a few corals that are overcollected. Frequently people add fish collected for aquariums to fish collected for food and that makes aquarium collecting look worse than it is. In addition, it provides jobs and a reason to preserve the reef in developing countries. I have gone out diving with commercial collectors and they were doing a good job to act in a sustainable manner. Keep in mind that they use tons of coral rubble mined from the reef to build roads in many tropical locations.
wow thread hijacked much . dude if you are so pessimistic you should end your existence. 10 min of my life i will never get back
are you suggesting that someone commit suicide?

i must have misread your post, or maybe a typo

also by posting this, are you not hijaking the thread?

(whats the word???!!!):D :D :D
im just trying to explain why we should take from the reef ! this world will freeze and burn many times over regardless of our intervention or existance here .believe me i will FIGHT for every last breath of my existance and i always do more than less every day so i can be fuller in life so please dont even begin to suggest that i do something so obserd !
I believe wild harvesting of corals is actually a good thing.

The reefs are dying all over the world.
By collecting & sharing with other reef hobbyists, we are captively propagating the species.

In addition we are preserving them too.

For all the people that think the future is all doom & gloom due to "Global Warming" do a google search ( or youtube ) of "Global Dimming".

The truth might be the only way to avoid the earth freezing is to make MORE CO2.....

Think about it.... Antarctica used to be A RAIN FOREST.
The earth is at one of it's COLDEST points that it has been in the last 100 million years!

The solar irradiance at the earth's surface has reduced by 20% in the last 20 years. Does anyone have a clue how much of a change that is??

i heard that the source of that info was pretty shotty.

look who funded it.

at least w/ some of the global warming research the funding has better sources.
with the proper funding the facts can be "arranged"to accomidate either side or opinion . thats what our government is all about !
yeah, just like the stupid "study" that said chocolate and peanut butter were good for you, and could reduce certain blood fats.

thats the problem with scientific research, it is not held to as high a degree of critisism as other academic field, and as such science has been allowed to 'slouch' a bit.

what with endowments, and the guessing proclaimed as fact.

at least thats my oppinion on the matter, and i am not critisising any scientist, far from it, i actualy want to be a marine biologist specializing in estuarine ecology when i grow up, just saying.
Well I was out diving the reef and collected a number of pieces of rock with corals that were broken off the reef and corals starting to be traumatized. I dont see the issue with collecting broken pieces. I do not advocate breaking pieces off the reef.