Who has an open top + feline?

I do but my tank is so high off the ground there is no chance of anything happening.

I am more worried about the freaking hair. :(
I had a open top tank many yaers ago. For xmas i got a cute little spotted boxfish. he was happy, always swimming around. then one day he was gone. it happens. didn't think too much about it until one day i was sitting there watching the tv. My cat, a half siamese named furball, jumped up on the arm of the couch and was staring intently into the tank. we thought "how cute" until he jumped up and before i could even yell, had both arms down in the tank fishing......then he met "Mr HAND", and shortly after, learned about "mr Gravity"..........put eggcrate on the next day. no more fishing for furball
I remember a story a number of years ago (in the late 80's) in one of the reef marine and reef magazines about a couple that were attempting to raise clown triggers (not knowing at the time the actual size of trigger nesting site and all). Well, let's just say the cat's attempt at fishing for a foot long trigger didn't turn out well, and they covered the aquarium after that. Yes, both lived, but the cat had "difficulty counting on its toes" after that.
I have open top & 7 felines.

No hair. No missing fish.

When the tank was dry(in the beginning) they would jump up into the tank and take naps.
My cats used to get in my aquarium until I got it set up. No problems for a few months then one day while I was cleaning the glass he jumped right in. He VERY quickly got out. Other than alot of splashed water and wet carpet everything was fine. Needless to say I was mad.
I have an open top and sump is open as well..... 2 cats and never an issue. They will drink from the sump from time to time(very weird)... No hair issues or fishing incidents. Display is now covered due to jumpers lol not fishing felines.

Two cats and two tanks and have never had a problem. The cats do watch the fish and dream about it but have never tried it.
I have an open top tank and my wife has a cat, when I set up the tank a few years back it liked get on the ledge of the tank. I would just take my hand and splash SW in its face, it only took a couple of times and it was done.

It will not even come into the fish room any more, but I think it is because I hate the cat and it hates me.
I had an open tank and 2 cats... One of the cats sometimes jumped up in front of the tank an hung on the edge... But only when my Yellow tang swimmed by :D they never tried to fish him or any other fish out and never tried to jump in it...
My tank is not open, so our 2 cats can't get in, but boy do they ever want to. They both jump at the tank trying to catch the fish. One of them jumps on top of the tank from time to time and hangs out up there for a while.
I used to have an open top african cichlid tank. Lost a few over the years. One time, Watson (cat) jumped up on top of the tank as I was feeding and then took off. All in about 3 seconds. Chased him under the bed only to find my nice show male Hap. venustus in his mouth.

Never even saw the fish leave the water.
I had to but a lid on my tank after my Japanese Koi were murdered by my cats. Never going to leave an open tank again.
I know my cat can jump at least 5 feet high without running so with runnig she could probably jump much higher. Just by one of the versa top lids for the tank.
I have two cats and two dogs. All four animals drink from the clorinated pool, which I think is weird. Anyway I have always left the tanks open on top and have never had a problem...to those who think a tank is high enough for a cat not to jump on think twice. My 16 year old fat black cat can free jump to the top of a 6ft fence with no front claws. The same cat likes to sleep on top of the cupboards in the kitchen.

My cat is a murdering fiend. I've lost at least 7 fish to her murdering ways... and 4 of them were in lidded tanks. She can jump 9 ft. vertically and knows how to remove not only black plastic tops and eggcrate, but also glass lids that fit into the frame. She pulls at the plastic trim on the back till she gets in.
From a responsibility standpoint, all of my fish were captive bred, so mainly it's my money down the tubes. One of these days, I'm gonna rig a tank with a bull charger. I swear I'll do it...
My cat used to go fishing in my old tank. HE could jump up for a chair next to the tank. Wound up scosting me three clown fishes. Expensive cat treats
We have cat + not-open-top-tank. The cat was being baby-sat at my parents house while we moved in together, so the cat has only been around the fish tank for a few days. He's terrified of the fish, especially when the big lion comes up to the glass and fans out his showy bits.