Who has the best DIY skimmer that an average person could make?


New member
I have seen so many DIY skimmer here, but it is hard to see which one preforms the best and is the easiest to make (for the average person). Which ones have you tested and been very satisfied with?
well that really depends on what tools the average person has.if the average person have a table saw and a router and the know-how, then any diy skimmer is possible. as far as which one works the best, that all depends on who made it, since i feel that the skimmer i made performs better than the skimmer Mr. X made, you get the idea there, and all tanks and skimmer on the tanks operate differently, jsut look back to the skimmer shoot outs that went on a while back, even the said to be great and easy to setup skimmers were beat out by the cheapo skimmers and visa versa

Look at the RC DIY area (not forum) and have a peek at snailmans CC skimmers. They are very efficient, very easy to build and very cheap.

[ijsut look back to the skimmer shoot outs that went on a while back, even the said to be great and easy to setup skimmers were beat out by the cheapo skimmers and visa versa

Tim [/B]

got a link for the shootouts?
sorry i dont, i havent read anything about it for a while but i will look around a little and see if i cant find the webpage that it is on

give us a tank size and bio load of your system so we can give you a better answer to your question. im sure you dont want us to send you to a thread that has a skimmer for a 500g system when your looking for a 100g skimmer. or vise versa.
Well, I'm not ready to build my skimmer yet, but it's time to start planning it.
I have a 125 Barebottom in the works. I plan it to be an SPS dominated mixed reef. Not sure about the bio load yet, but for safty lets say a high bio load. Tools arent a prob as I can borrow about anything. However DIY skimmer knowledge is crap. Based on this info what do you all recomend. Remember, I need to wet skim and over skim. And placemen of skimme does not matter.
Well I am thinking for the future. I am getting a 120gal w/ 50 gal sump. that should be set-up and running by summer. I am going to do a reef tank w/ ~6-10 fish. If you could point me in the right direction Spazz or zapata that would be great.
Thanks for the link doug that is a vary nice skimmer. Which line feeds the water into the skimmer?

Also, on snailman's design can someone explain to me which line is the water in line? If you have some photos of the complete set-up that would help a lot.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6536337#post6536337 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dougwilliams
I would recommend CaptiveReef's skimmer- its a PVC counter current, it's flexible in terms of capacity by altering sizes, and is all pVC so it's very easy to assemble. It also has a venturi injector option so you can go that route if you prefer over the airstones. There are a number in use on tanks up to a 400gallons and they all work fine.


Whats the diff between counter current and a venturi injector?
Counter current - air introduced at bottom, water introduced at top. Bubbles rise 'counter to the current'
Venturi - air/water enter together.

But , of course, there are hybrids of everything...
Yes- waylander is correct...

On CaptiveReefs the water goes in at the upper PVC Y - and enteres the main tube flowing down - it leaves the main chamber at the bottom Y, and loops back up through a u tube assembly that is as high as the water inlet.

The aircomes in through the very top of the whole assembly and runs down an airline within the main tube to a few airstones just above the water outlet.

The skimmate is pushed up above the water inlet and forced through the ejection outlet at the very top.
Which is best?

Run! Run for lives! Don't let them get us all with one blow!

That has been debated for years and will be debated for many more as the Lords of (Becketts, Venturis, CC, Airstones, Mazzeis, Needlewheels, Combinations Thereof) battle for the supremacy of reefer minds.

Easier to answer which is coolest (check the pricetag).

JMHO, of course.
they all serve the hobbiest in different ways. becketts are cheap to buy buy expensive to run. recirculating skimmers are expensive to buy and cheaper to run. and so on and so on. it all depends of your aplication and what you want. just plan ahead. think about in the sump vs out of sump models. how would each one benifit you. then build the one that fits all your needs.
Well i'd preferr an insump unit. However I'll have the option of doing it out of sump. I figured I was opening a can of worms when asking which is best. But I don't even know where to start when it comes to Becketts, Venturis, CC, Airstones, Mazzeis, Needlewheels.
If space is not an issue, my best guess would be that counter-current is they way to go. Low-cost, low-energy use, low-tech, low maintenance, but if built correctly; high-performance.

If I had a fish room, that is probably what I would have.