it said feb 10th till today then cause i looked yesterday
alsothe store i work for is supposed to bethe sponsor for it and we were told feb ( then again havent been able to contact ANY ONE) so who knows ( and therefor this thread!!!)
ok sounds like some one lost track of time and or somthing happend and things got delayed still wondering about joe. is he ok?( it does say he read it so i assume hes alright) any one talk to him recently ? its been quite a few emails to him over the past month with no replys.
guess we will meet up with him and others at the next meeting ( if we can make it )
WOW It's great to see that all of you are so excited about the Frag Swap.
We had our first 2008 BOD meeting with the new board on thursday of last week. I didn't want to post untill the new date was confirmed with the school. As a board we voted on postponing the Frag Swap till march. We felt we needed the extra time to make this swap better then ever before. The new date is Sunday March 9th from 12:00 to 5:00pm. This will also give you guys the extra time to grow out more frags. We need as many of you to help bring the swap to it's potential. We still have many stores that have not been contacted as well as spreading the word and advertising the event. I will have more this week and will keep all of you posted. Thanks for being so patient. Can't wait till for the swap on March 9th.
Actually, that's awesome, I was cutting it really close with my tank just finishing its cycle sometime right around then. Plus, I can save up some more moolah to get what I really want!!!
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