Who won the NCPARS Member's Only raffle items?


Between me running around frantic trying to find the missing RO (which was eventually located on MY front porch :)) and trying to get everybody cleaned up and out we never wrote down who won the raffle items.

Here are the items we gave away (retails are approx.):

* 36" Current USA Orbit Lighting Fixture (4x96W PC) ($472 retail)
* 50 GPD Barracuda RO/DI from AquaFX ($219 retail)
* Iwaki MD-30RLXT Pump Donated by Iwaki ($210 retail)
* Seio M1500 Pump obtained by Brad at MACNA ($60 Retail)
* AquaLight (Coralife) LED Moonlight obtained by Brad at MACNA ($25 Retail) given away with some misc items.
* 250W Visi-Therm Stealth Heater donated by Marineland ($21 Retail) given away with some misc items.
* Maxi-Jet 1200 Powerhead donated by Marineland ($20 Retail) given away with some misc items.
* 3 or 5 other groups of misc item. Most of the misc items came from Marineland and I think we had some Kent in there.

That's well over $1000 in swag..If I missed anything, let me know.

Now I believe poconofishy won the RO, and I think Mo won the light? ...ahh...I don't want to guess. Let me know if you remember who won the prizes. I DO know that I won one of the misc packs with 2 chemi-purs and a hydrometer...the rest I'd just be guessing at and I don't want to do that.

Thanks for everybody that signed up and came to the event!

I didn't win anything! I thought you were going to fix the raffle again Fizz, what happened? LOL OH wait, you told me I didn't pay you enough, I will say it like everyone else does, "the check is in the Mail" LOL.


I won one of the miscellaneous packs. It was the pack with two part 2's and no part 1's...remember? Also had some alkalinity test strips, Fish Rx, and 8oz. herbivore food.

Here's what else I can rmember:

* 36" Current USA Orbit Lighting Fixture (4x96W PC) ($472 retail) MO
* 50 GPD Barracuda RO/DI from AquaFX ($219 retail) Michelle
* Iwaki MD-30RLXT Pump Donated by Iwaki ($210 retail) Carl
* Seio M1500 Pump obtained by Brad at MACNA ($60 Retail) Brad
* AquaLight (Coralife) LED Moonlight obtained by Brad at MACNA ($25 Retail) given away with some misc items.??
* 250W Visi-Therm Stealth Heater donated by Marineland ($21 Retail) given away with some misc items.
* Maxi-Jet 1200 Powerhead donated by Marineland ($20 Retail) given away with some misc items. Scott B.
* 3 or 5 other groups of misc item. I got one...

Well what can I say Ricky..it was dark, and I was tired....you did get a nice infection for all your troubles!

I think Sanjay won one of the misc packs too..I recall a comment about being able to use the part 1 and part 2 stuff and he re-donated another item to the next misc pack.

Yes, I won the 2 part mix from Ocean's blend, and I put the rest of the stuff back in the misc. pile.

Yes Fizz, thanks for the infection. Oh wait that didn't sound right! Well its ok, maybe I will win next time.


I won two bottles of ChemiPure and a hydrometer.

Hoping to win a 180 gallon reef ready Oceanic with cherry stand, canopy and sump next time.
yes i told them not the pick the ticket that had the big r on it lol althought they picked my ticket later then they should have.