
Faraday's Cage

New member
A week or so ago I received an order of corals from Blue Zoo Aquatics.
I got:
Green Hairy Mushroom Coral (Rhodactis)
Umbrella Leather Coral (Sarcophyton)
Glove Polyps (Clavularidae)
Blue-spotted Mushroom (Actinodiscus)

I have a 20 gallon tank with an Eheim canister filter and a 48W T5 fixture.
The tank was started in September.
Recently (approx. the time I introduced the corals), I have had a pretty large algae bloom (not super terrible, but the first the tank has had). Just now I noticed that on the back side of the Rhodactis, there were a large number of piled up /things/. They seem to be acoel flatworms, maybe nudibranches or another species of sea slug.

What should I do?

Thanks in advance,
pick off as much as possible, siphon them out, get a wrasse that eats them. contact bluezoo, maybe they will give you some money back. if nothing else works, try flatworm exit
acoel flatworms are not really a big deal, usually they work themselves out. it's the other kinds you need to worry about
what i always do whenever i receive corals..either its from a super clean tank or from an online vendor..i always do a coral dip to make sure theres no critters or pest that will go in my tank:thumbsup:

since its already there..then show us some pics and we can figure out the problem:)