Why are 90% of TOTM using 10k's with Actinics


New member
I'm looking to get new bulbs again, and I've been doing some research. As part of my research, I looked at all the TOTM's over the last 3 years, and 90% of them use 10k's with actinics.

So here's my question:

#1 - Why does this combination produce so many TOTMs?

#2 - With all the differnet opinions out there, how can anyone argue that this combination is not the best? Most of the arguments talk about color appeal, but how can anyone argue against these overwhelming results?
This is why I decided to use 10k with a lot of actinics. IMO it produces the best variation of intense colors. Everything doesn't look blue, purple, and green, like you see with 14k and 20k. The overall brightness of the tank seems to be more attractive as well.
keep in mind a properly setup system will rock under almost any lighting though.
#1 Because it's a good combination

#2 Who's arguing?

I choose to use 20k 400w on M59 ballasts because I don't want the extra hassle of more bulbs,ballasts,and cords. A compromise if you will.
Another reason is a technological timeline. It takes a long time to establish and have a tank grow into a TOTM. 20k and 14k MH's are fairly new compared to 10ks. Only growing into their own with in the last couple of years. They really only have taken baby steps in developing these bulbs. Each year with a better bulb coming out. There really wasn't many good ones at all just a couple of years ago. Exception being the Radium 20k bulb which came with a large price tag and short life span.

I would guess that those TOTM tanks from two to three years ago, got their starts four and five years ago...maybe even a little longer. The bulbs today will show in TOTM's in the coming years.

It is a wonderful combo the 10k plus actinic. I also think todays 14k's and 20k's can produce well too.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6508704#post6508704 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by just dave
#2 Who's arguing?
Ahhh, what the hell, I'll argue.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6507429#post6507429 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lesniewv

#2 - With all the differnet opinions out there, how can anyone argue that this combination is not the best? Most of the arguments talk about color appeal, but how can anyone argue against these overwhelming results?
Oh Yeah!!!
You're wrong!

Pfffft. :)
I think the reasons thats tanks make TOTM of the month is because they have both great growth and coloration. Signs that they are ahead of the curve.

10ks have always been good for growth and the altnics are just to supplement where the 10ks fall short. So maybe thats why it happens.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6510520#post6510520 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by johnvu713
the drawback with 10K with actinic is power consumption. Meaning bigger light bill.

A 10K bulb uses the same wattage as a 20K bulb.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6513556#post6513556 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wastememphis
this months TOTM has been set up for 14months and uses 250watt DE 14k bulbs

I have use Giesemann Megachrome DE 14.5 K from day one. Many of my corals have growth up from frags. I also use the same bulb in my fragtank without any actinic.

My A.echinata in my avatar have never seen any actinic. :)

I can't see any reason to change my bulbs to 10K.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6518197#post6518197 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mortenN
I have use Giesemann Megachrome DE 14.5 K from day one. Many of my corals have growth up from frags. I also use the same bulb in my fragtank without any actinic.

My A.echinata in my avatar have never seen any actinic. :)

I can't see any reason to change my bulbs to 10K.

I'm sure the Deltec AP1004 has something to do with it ;) Morten, your tank would look great under any lighting. Congrats on TOTM
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6518262#post6518262 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jackson6745
I'm sure the Deltec AP1004 has something to do with it ;) Morten, your tank would look great under any lighting. Congrats on TOTM

Thanks for the Congrats Richard.

Maybe the skimmer is the key, guys, look at the skimmers and not the bulbs :)
Out of the last 34 months, here's the breakdown of the tanks that I could confirm, based on what was used at the time of the write up.

5x 14k's w or w/out actinics
15x 10k's with actinics
3x VHO or PC
6x 20k's
3x 10k's with 20k or 14k combination

So, my initial statement was a little grandiose, but still holds true that the majority use that combination.

Morten, your tank is incredible.

I'm new to the sps thing, and my success has been very limited. My background has taught me to look for data to support my decisions, and that's what I'm trying to do. I'm just looking for the "right" answer to ensure my success!!! I guess I'll toss a coin and make my decision on lighting. Now I just need to pick me up an AP1004 and I should be good to go.
I personally love the growth and coloration with 10K and actinic supplemenation. Our prop tank has only 10K over ir (no actiinics) and I still love the colors of the corals there. Many visitors have commented on the colors that they wished they could get in their tanks (and I am here to tell you that their tanks are awe inspiring and what I aspire to, so I take their comments as high praise). The main differences are that they run 20K and we run 10K + actinic.
10k MHs will almost invaribly produce the most growth with a white-blue bulb. Tanks that have that 'grown in' look probably got that way due to high PAR bulbs or a long long time growing. The super blue look of 20ks isnt really 'natural' IMO.