why are foxfaces so dumb?


New member
my foxface sleeps close to my Tunze nano stream, and this morn I found him stuck to the side. I can't believe he is that dumb, but I turned the pump off, and he swam away and had impressions of the pump intake down his side. He did however swim away fine, and ate normal this morning, so I am hoping he makes it, and was not harmed to bad by this. Other then nasty marks on him he looks healthy, and is swimming like normal.
just an update. you know when a fish recieves this kind of trama to them they usually die, well I half thought I would come home to a dead fish since usually you would think a healthy foxface would be able to free himself from a powerhead, so I figured maybee he was weak and dying anyway. Well that dumb fish is perfectly OK. I am glad to see him swimming normal. Man what a dumb fish! anyone want to bet on how long till he does it again?
lets put you in a foreign place for an extended period of time and see how many times you get yourself in a jam knowing nothing of your surroundings lol. Sounds to me like your foxface should have been used to the tunze nanos that "grow" naturally on the reef he was taken from

lol imagine what you could have said if it was a "blonde" naso tang. that would have been halarious!
we should have put wagers on how long till he did it again! I woke up thias morning and that dumb arse was stuck to the tunze on the other side of the tank! He is even more beat up now, but again was swimming OK when I left for work. I am hoping he pulls thru the second round. Maybee 3 times is a cahrm and he will learn soon