Why are some of my corals marbleizing?


New member
Started using AF products a little over a month ago and have had some issues with my sps paling out and also getting rtn in a few. Now I notice that a couple of my acros are doing this weird marbleizing affect. The whole coral used to glow under my blue led's and now it is only the tips that have stayed yellow that glow. Polyp extension is still good.

What could cause this? All parameters are in line. 7.6 dkh 415 cal 1380 mag.
S.G is at 35ppt temp 78 no3 is 4ppm and in the nine months this tank has been set up I have never been able to get a po4 reading.

What prouducts are you using now? What were you using before and how much of both were you using? Plus what size tank is it?
I noticed similar things happen with several of my sps corals. Like the color was being pushed to the tips, leaving a define separation in colors. Here is a coral with the said marbeling effect, to me it looks super cool, but notice the new splash of color coming through, like a painter took a paint brush and splashed in the pink/purplish color at the tips. Keep in mind this coral was straight teal with pink polyps forever. I will dig up a before and after so you can see for yourself.

This coral looked like this since it colored up from brown, this way for the last 6-7 months.


Notice the transition in color and new color splashed in, no rhyme, no reason :)

I noticed similar things happen with several of my sps corals. Like the color was being pushed to the tips, leaving a define separation in colors. Here is a coral with the said marbeling effect, to me it looks super cool, but notice the new splash of color coming through, like a painter took a paint brush and splashed in the pink/purplish color at the tips. Keep in mind this coral was straight teal with pink polyps forever. I will dig up a before and after so you can see for yourself.

This coral looked like this since it colored up from brown, this way for the last 6-7 months.


Notice the transition in color and new color splashed in, no rhyme, no reason :)


Absolutely sick, that is an amazing transformation Perry! That coral gives me great jealously.
I've seen this when corals are recovering from the turd brown state. Seems you are seeing this in reverse. Sorry I'm no help other to say thaivd seen this and it usually led to further coloring in my system. I do have 1 coral that used to be solid blue/purple that has streaks of green in it and has had that for some time. The coral is otherwise healthy and the green is only on a few branches.
I have seen this on new mariculture pieces coming in but it's mostly on the tips color. Some have been the whole acro,. It thoes tend to turn back to mostly solid colors, maybe leaving some in the tips. Not sure if this is grafting from acros touching on the grow racks in the ocean or something else. They always seem to show up better under bue leds especially when it's a green "marbled" color. I have noticed this is true for green grafts in montipora as well.
Thanks for the replies. It does look pretty cool just never seen a coral do that. Yesterday I was looking down from the far end and say the underside which used to be green on this coral and now it turning red. So weird. Polyps are out night and day and no tissue recession so I will call it a morph in color. Just hope I like it when it is done. LOL
So, now my Strawberry Fields Sarmentosa is also turning red. Only supposed to be redish pink on the tips. Not the base and branches.