Why as it gone sexual


New member
My Caulerpa Prolifera has produced gametes, The C. is in a MM sump under 24/7 lighting, it is attached to a 120 gal display tank which has 80kg LR.. The stock is a few corals and 2 small perc clowns,a 6 line wrasse and a Kole tang.. All the water tests are spot on .. NO nitrates, No phosphates.. Its a young system, been running a couple of months..

I was given this algae some weeks ago and itwas done very well, producing new shoots and looking healthy, then today when I checked on it ,it rewarded me with the gametes, I've removed the affected shoots.. quickly

What could cause the C. to go sexual like this?

The only thing which as concerned me is that a few runners are not tethered down and are growing towards the water surface, I have a few other less desirable algaes in the sump, green hair algae, which is present on the glass and red hair algae which does tend to wrap around the ' roots' coming off the runners.Is this a problem?

When I removed the affected C., the cuts seemed to ouze a bit, whats the best way to prun the Caulerpa..

Many many thanks

All suggestions and comments welcome..

.. Tony
Hey Tony,

I ranted a little bit about Caulerpa and its reproduction in this post:

When you prune Caulerpa try to only cut it in one or two places at a time. It is one giant cell so when it is injured it has to rapidly repair the injury so all of the cellular contents don't flow out of the wound. Did you post a pic of the gametes being produced on the blades of the prolifera in another thread? If so, could you link to that tread. I'm not so sure those were gametes but i'm not sure what the heck they are.
