New member
well folks Im stumped been working on this problems for around about a year now but I havent had any adverse affects from it. I'll try getting some pics tomorrow batteries are dead for now but anyhow maybe you guys can send some forsight my way. Ive been in this hobby for a lil over 3 and a half years now so Im not really a novice although there is still very much I have to learn and I look forward to the many more years ahead. anyhow now to get to the point for the past year Ive switched from using Instant Ocean salt mix to using Oceanic salt mostly because oceanic comes on containers instead of bags and its cheaper but I have noticed some different things from using this salt and I was wondering about the adverse affects of this let me first post my params
salinity 1.025
nitrate ammonia and nitrate 0
phosphate around 1-2
ph 8.2
now heres the crazy thing
calcium 640????????
I have never ever ever in the last year been able to get it below 600 and I dont dose any calcium although I keep Kent Marines 2 part calcium available
alk is usually pretty stable which I consider wierd because of the high calcium levels
I have NO and I repeat NO adverse affects on corals mostly SPS and a few lps.
I just treated for red bugs and finally rid of the problem havent noticed any of them for over 3 weeks now and hopefully they won't come back
weekly water change of 10%
total water vollume is 77 gallons bein a 65 gallon marineland tank and a 12 gallon jbj as the sump/refuge
I cannot seem to keep any type of monti they all die by stn or rtn and also I cant keep any birdsnest corals or acro millipora. Everything else seems fine.
Should I switch to a different salt and do around a 25 % water change around three times with the new salt to maybe bring down the calcium to a stable level? any oppinions are helpful and yelling at me for being stupid is fine to thanks for your help experts as I am totally stumped!!!!!!!!
salinity 1.025
nitrate ammonia and nitrate 0
phosphate around 1-2
ph 8.2
now heres the crazy thing
calcium 640????????
I have never ever ever in the last year been able to get it below 600 and I dont dose any calcium although I keep Kent Marines 2 part calcium available
alk is usually pretty stable which I consider wierd because of the high calcium levels
I have NO and I repeat NO adverse affects on corals mostly SPS and a few lps.
I just treated for red bugs and finally rid of the problem havent noticed any of them for over 3 weeks now and hopefully they won't come back
weekly water change of 10%
total water vollume is 77 gallons bein a 65 gallon marineland tank and a 12 gallon jbj as the sump/refuge
I cannot seem to keep any type of monti they all die by stn or rtn and also I cant keep any birdsnest corals or acro millipora. Everything else seems fine.
Should I switch to a different salt and do around a 25 % water change around three times with the new salt to maybe bring down the calcium to a stable level? any oppinions are helpful and yelling at me for being stupid is fine to thanks for your help experts as I am totally stumped!!!!!!!!