Why cant I find 72in t-5 fixture ??


New member
Why doesnt any of the major manufactures make a 72in. fixture
of t-5 lighting? I would like one for my 180gallon agrressive FOWLR.
Because the T5 bulbs don't come in that length...

Longest is 60"...

Why would you want to put so much light over a FOWLR anyway?

Why not DIY?

Why doesnt any of the major manufactures make a 72in.
Because they're so thin.......it's difficult enough to move/ship/handle T5's in 48" length, 60" is pushing it & 72"????
You could get (2) 36" and stagger the endcaps

The 72" maristar uses 4 bulbs rather than 2 (of course it also includes MH)

The 36" tek light T5 fixtures are listed at actually 35" length so you coudl put those next to each other..check out reefgeek.com
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6528129#post6528129 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by tm613
You could get (2) 36" and stagger the endcaps

The 72" maristar uses 4 bulbs rather than 2 (of course it also includes MH)

The 36" tek light T5 fixtures are listed at actually 35" length so you coudl put those next to each other..check out reefgeek.com

Side ventilation (Fan, exit port, etc.) might be an issue if you place two units end-to-end.
I know this is a T-5 question, but the 72" coralife fixture with PC Actinics would work well.:dance: