I highly recommend ICP testing. I dealt with sps issues for years. I found that adding iodine was the key for me and water changes. Iodine is easily depleted in our high skimmer type reefs. I have a 220g and I add 3 drops of lugols every week.
Couple things:
1) do you use a doser? (if not, then you might consider adding)
2) how often do you test? (I have tested every day when things get weird).
3) what is you salinity and how do you know?
4) do you know the par levels within your tank?
The easiest way to fix most thinks is to do a ton of water changes. I moved to changing water every week about 1 year ago and things have never been better. I do a 13% change every week.
Hope this helps and next time you want to try sps, hit me up. I will give you some easy stuff that you can try before you spend money.
Im having the same issues the op posted.. when you were struggling were test results good. My test values are solid and consistent. But something like iodine I had not thought about. Im gonna order the icp test that has been recommended to find out.
you are doing 13% on 220 and find that effective?