Why is the livestock/cherry pick list never updated


New member
Last updated the middle of nov. How can people place a livestock order when it is never updated! Hard to ever tell what you have and I used to receive a weekly livestock list. Whats up?
Hi Jen,

Unfortunately we just do not have the manpower right now. Besides liverock/inverts, livestock is a VERY small percentage of our overall business. I personally take care of the the livestock ordering, stocking, and website updates, and inbetween customer service it is very hard to keep up with.

Having said that, we are currently in the process of rectifying this situation, and ultimately will have a completely separate website dedicated to our livestock. The new website will take a little while before it is fully operational and up and running. In the meantime you should be seeing a big improvement in the time frame the livestock is updated on our website, as well as fish and coral additions to the existing shopping cart we have online now.

Thank you for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated!
