Thanks mate.
I'm not advocating running high nutrients - far from it! I've tried a few options available to reduce nutrients (vodka, biopellets, NOPOX, GFO, Cheato) with varying degrees of success and failure over the years and while I haven't given up, I've stopped chasing low numbers and stressing about it when those numbers don't drop.
My tank is thriving but as we know, every tank is different and as above, most tanks with this level of nutrients would be smothered in GHA. I think balance and stability is much more important to a successful reef than driving any one figure up or down.
I still maintain that Guttatus and hysterix don't like ULNS hence why they are considered starter SPS corals as most newcomers to the hobby will invariably have nutrient issues and instability and these corals are a little more forgiving than other SPS such as acropora. That isn't to say you can't keep acros or more difficult corals (see below!) with elevated nutrients but I think nutrient control importance is over emphasized. Keeping the big 3 stable is MUCH more important in my opinion.