why so much?

no way they are selling those for $100 now. i use to grow those like crazy and sell them on craigslist for dirt cheap 1 year ago. if your from the bay area, i know some of the people that bought that coral from me and i can prob get some polyps off them and give them to you for free.
Locally you would never get that price. Here in Austin most corals are fairly inexpensive.
Example: Pink lemonade online $65-90 per inch. In austin, you cant give it away
Funny how this thread directly relates to me from today! LOL I didn't click on the link until today because I was just replying to other responses on this thread.

Turns out, I just bought this same zoa from an online vendor that is based out of San Antonio (where I live). I got 5 polyps for $50. I know it's a little much but not $25 a polyp! If it were that much I would have looked for someone locally who has them in a tank or something. Anyhow, the owner of the online store is a friend of mine and I was proud I support his new and small business. BTW the price I paid is the normal price everyone pays.
I got these a few years back for $10 a polyp and was just curious is they still sell it at this price. If you look at the thread, I posted this in 2007. lol I'll have to pass their store and see. But then again, I think their online prices are way more.