wife "You bough what???" My 300 gallon build from a used set up



well thats what i get for posting at midnight i started a new thread by accident. any who heres the update in the right spot

well we closed on the town home on monday and i just finished painting the room where the tank will be going. Its a blue grey color thought id keep it aquatic feeling. Big surprise there lol
I also picked up two sheets of plywood, a can of kilz paint, black rustolium primer paint and a sheet of foam board. I plan on sanding down the stand and re-painting it before it gets put into the room and stocked. well i will try and get some photos up for everyone tomorrow.

and thanks for everyone thats following along and i will definately check out the aquarium society.


Tip on cleaning the tank if you haven't already started.. Pour 5 or 6 gallons of vineger in the tank, then fill it to the top with tap water, let sit for several days. The coraline will just wipe away easily. Make sure to rinse. Worked wonders on my 55.
Sounds like things will be real busy for. New house and new tank, when will you sleep!
sleep, whats that new house, new tank, job, and an ich out break from the fish moving. lol hopefully today i can look at getting some pictures. i was just doing some research on cooking live rock i figure since im starting it up i might as well take some time and get the rock cleaned.


Sorry progress is slow heres a picture of the painted fish room, although today it was decided that we would tile the room. I guess its better to do it now than after the tanks up. lol any way heres a photo of the room like i promised plus a few extra


The View of pikes peak from our town home


The little Lady


Vinegar i got from sams club to clean the tanks


This is the 15g window nano i was going to set up before i got big bertha. still going to set it up too, just starting to clean it and look for leaks its supposed to have a slow leak



Well thats it for now the little lady wants me to move stuff into the town home like the bed and some of the other furniture. Women, any who i have to wait for the cable guy for a couple of hours so we will see what i can get accomplished.

thanks for all the help and advice
If you haven't seen it already, check out my little blunder while cooking rock. You might get a kick out of it.


I'll be following this thread closely, I just need to get my stand and canopy built and I'll be joining the 225 club! Keep an eye out for my build thread, I'll be posting as soon as I have something to show.


well sorry for the delay heres the 15 gallon nano setup

this is the window


heres the official weight test


dry run


had to put some vents in the light hood


heres the fan


Tank aquascaped full of water


finished tank


well the budget isnt going to cover tile so i will probably just pull the carpet and stain the concrete.

hope i can get some more accomplished this weekend hopefully on the 300g