wild picks


New member
well these pics may have nothing to dp with fish or corals but this is the photography site so here you go this is what i do when not in the lfs

my hummer

all in a days work

digging up bomb

and here is the mosk

and of course after being blown up last 4th of july hell of a way to celibrate let me tell ya
my camera is a nikon 3200 i lasted over a dozen explosions being shot at and a year in the heat and sand and still works great
Let me just say...

Thank you for serving our country.

The pics are great. While I'm sure the army did what had to be done, that mosque is/was beautiful.

Nice tank too.

As a former Marine Corps seargent....
"Get that finger off the trigger!"
Man you must be with the army to have that kind of relaxed weapons training. Even my Navy Wife knows better than to have a finger on the trigger without intention to discharge the weapon.
Dude.... must of had a relaspe...or something...
Nice fish tank..
I got to play in the great big sandbox known as the Sahara @ 10 years ago.
Thanks for serving, as you can see my family beleives it's the only way to ensure the American way of life.
Don't know if your due to raotate back to the sand box again, but if you do, Keep yuo head down, weapon clean, and you sights adjusted, can't afford to miss when the other guy is taking shots at ya....
Semper Fi...do or die... words to live by.
sweet pics thanks for sharing them, I was in the Navy but served as an intelligence specialist with the 2nd recon BT. Thank you for serving our county and doing it with pride!!!