Will a Tiger shark float magnet cleaner work on 3/4" glass


The info says it will work on 3/4" glass, but I am looking for real world experience with this cleaner. I want a strong magnet that will not fall off.

Any other suggestions welcome.

might want to put it in the lighting and equipment forum.
BUT, i think all the algae free magnets are super strong compared to mag floats, so i would think it would be fine. (no personal experience) but a friend had a tigershark on a 120brick with 3/4 and he could push it as hard as he wanted across the front, and it wouldnt separate. so i would think it would be great

I only thought of putting it here because I thought there would be more tanks with 3/4" glass.

Ordering one today.
I am using the Great White on my 3/4 glass and it works exceptionally. But I feel it is a lite too strong so I bet the Tiger Shark would work just as well with less effort involved.

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