Will aluminum foil hurt tank?


New member
I have two tanks. The pump went out in my 55 gallon with my maroon clownfish in it. I have two percula clown fish in my 75 gallon and when i put the maroon in they went crazy and tried to kill each other. Since the maroon will die if i put him in the 55g i got a collinder (like for draining lettuce) and put the fish in it with aluminum foil to cover the top so he wont jump out. now it is sitting at the top of my 75g.
The aluminum foil is in the water and has started changing colors. i dont think it is good for the tank. any ideas?

(sorry for the crappy pic, no patience to edit it or try to make it look good right now)

anybody want to trade a random piece of coral for the maroon clownfish?
i dont want to just go drop it off at the pet store.

also just a quick question.
in my 75g i have a fluval 404 canister filter and a remora c protein skimmer along with 2 koralia 4s.
would it be okay to just put the fluval in the 55 gallon and only have the protein skimmer in the 75?

and finally....
the protein skimmer is bubbling over the top and making my apartment smell reeeally bad. any suggestions on how to fix this?

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clean & adjust the skimmer, it will stop the foam from leaving the container

on the 75 is there live rock? it will bve fine with out a canister filter , live rock and a skimmer is all you realy need,

as for the alunimum in the tank i wouldnt get a bag of onions and use the mesh bag to cover it

and if you want to make a trip to cordova i have some sps i can trade for the fish
The aluminum foil is in the water and has started changing colors. i dont think it is good for the tank. any ideas?
I'm not absolutely sure, but I do believe that Aluminum foil will not harm anything in the short term, but long term it could become a problem. I do know that saltwater chews through aluminum fairly rapidly so you might have to take it out sooner than anticipated. You could always get some saranwrap (sp) or egg crate to close the top off.
also just a quick question.
in my 75g i have a fluval 404 canister filter and a remora c protein skimmer along with 2 koralia 4s.
would it be okay to just put the fluval in the 55 gallon and only have the protein skimmer in the 75?
This one will all depend on your bioload. from the sounds of it you'll be ok with swapping the 404 over to either tank. The tank without the skimmer may need a bubbler to keep your dissolved O2 level up. Ideally, you could have 2 protein skimmers (one on each tank) and run the 404 with carbon for a month, swapping tanks each time you change carbon.

and finally....
the protein skimmer is bubbling over the top and making my apartment smell reeeally bad. any suggestions on how to fix this?
This is like was posted earlier, tune in the skimmer. Also, if you're using an additive like Red Slime Remover, they can change the surface tension of your water and make the skimmers run wet.
Thanks for the advice.
Do yall have pics of the coral you can trade.....ill be in memphis at some point this weekend so i can just bring the fish.


Thanks for the advice.
Do yall have pics of the coral you can trade.....ill be in memphis at some point this weekend so i can just bring the fish.

If your coming to Memphis anyway you ought to come to the club meeting

some of the folks pm'd you are going to be at the meeting and you can get some help with your issues and make your swap!!:bounce3: