Will any LFS buy LR or a fish?


New member
Since I can't seem to get rid of my last two pieces of LR and Pygmy Angel, I'm wondering if anyone knows of a LFS that would buy fish or LR, hopefully close to Land O Lakes.

Please let me know, I really need to get my tank down asap.


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If you really need to break down your tank, I would just take the rock out and let it bake in the sun or throw it in a lake. Its just rock. and once it has green hair algae on it, its worthless in my books, unless baked in the sun and treated, then it might be usable again.
I have given some fish to LFS, most of the time if it is a high quality fish, they might give you some store credit but if it a common fish, they will take it as a "donation", which is better than tossing the fish in the bay.