Will I take the risk?


New member
I have space for a small/medium coral specimin in a 20G mixed tank. Im using a skimmer from my 250G (rated for 1000L) (its empty at present) and plenty activated carbon for chemical removal and LR as biological filtration. Current inhabitants are a BTA, 3 small colonial rock anemones, zoanthid colony, mushrooms and a few SPS frags, 2-3 LPS specimins and a Tridacna derasa, an Ocellaris clown, cleaner shrimp and a few snails/hermits. This will be my final addition. I am toying with taking the risk of adding a small Sarcophyton or Lobophytum, due to the fantastic wierdness of forms that leathers take. The drawback is obviously the allelopathy, or "chemical warfare" that will inevitable occur. Water flow is approx 15-20X tank volume, with huge skimming (2500 GPH) employed and abundant carbon usage. I know some leathers (sarcos) can grow extremely rapidly but im prepared to frag it out as often as i need.

Id love to hear your opinions as im normally a stony fan but feel a leather would be great in this particular system.



I would think that most would be OK with the excepetion of the SPS. Most of the damage comes from the leather actually touching the coral. The incidental damage from compounds released in the water will likely be minimal if you keep up with carbon maintenance.

Get a small sarcophyton (Fiji Yellow maybe?) and give it a fairly wide birth. Consider keeping the SPS and most others 5-6 inches away to avoid any direct contact.

I actually have a Fiji Yellow with a frag of Porites attached (recently acquired) that is doing kinda ok. I plan to remove the Porites as the leather has "burned" one spot already.

You could just set up the 250g as a softie tank. :lol: