Will need some corals, lets see some pics!


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
Hey all, setting up my tank soon, have to wait at least 2-3 weeks before I get it, but I have all the hardware and sand, will buy the live rock a week before I get it to let it cycle in a 5 gal bucket.

Here's my wish list for corals: Remember, I won't be ready for them for about a month, so feel free to post colonies you're willing to frag and how much.

I want an insane chalice frag, really bright colors you can see from across the room.

Same with an acan frag, 1-2 eyes, brightly colored.

Bright orange zoas, maybe with different colors or speckles, but needs to be orange.

Euphyllia of some sort, probably frogspawn, but would like something different. 1-2 heads.

Something hard and branching that will take medium light, going with LED's, again good color, but interesting growth (was thinking spongodes?)

Lastly, will want a brain of some sort on the sandbed... Probably buy that from an LFS, but will take awhile to find it.

Part of the budget build is that I won't have 25 frags of $10-20 corals, I want 4-5 colonies that I can really be proud of. This will be a WOW tank from across the room. I did this with my 18 gallon viaaqua tank, I want to recreate this.

The tank is a 14x14x14 cube with LED's, a simple aquaclear filter on the back, and black sand. There will be a central stand of live rock, with the corals branching out over. I have a great idea in my head just aching to get out.

Let's see what you have?!

This is my old 18 gallon viaaqua tank


This is before I fragged my bali giant xenia


Here is my old 65 gallon reef


Another shot of the 65, my favorite pic of it... see the diversity?


And this is why I had to break it all down...


He's 3 now, it's time to get him addicted to this hobby!!!
Very nice! For medium light and nice branching pattern, a bird of paradise or purple stylo is hard to beat! If you want to step it up, a blue Hawkins or red dragon at always very interesting. Good luck with everything. Oh, and put a lid on your tank unless you want little toys for decoration in there, LOL!
Nice tanks lugwigia- replicate that and your golden.

But hey what's wrong with a rubber duckie floating in a tank?
Thanks much! That tank won FMAS exhibitor's choice award at their last and final FMAS aquarium show at the War Memorial Auditorium. It was the favorite of my 9-10 tanks I've owned.
No one wants to throw some pics of what you have to sell? LOL, thought this might become the thread of the month!
Nice, mike... I had one just like that awhile back in my 65 gal... it was under iwasaki 6500 k bulbs for a long time, never quite colored up like that, but I still loved the growth pattern...
BTW, Biggar, I'd definitely be interested in some of your mohawks if you still have em... I'd go 3-4 polyps? 2 would be fine if that's the only frags you have. Considering any bright or unusual patterned corals. Acan, Blasto, neon trumpets...
Guys, the second I get water and live rock in the tank, I'll give you 2 weeks notice, so you can frag or hold something for me... Biggar, you're first on the list, the spongodes frag is generous... but how much would you want for the mohawk frag?

I'm also watching for rastas, anything bright and speckled zoas, and acan or blasto related (favia is a consideration, also.)