Will need some corals, lets see some pics!

I'm really not sure to be honest.

It has what looks like a pectinia skeleton, but it does not have the multiple rising "spines", or multiple mouths, like that of a Spiny Cup Pectinia. Maybe they have just not presented as of yet.

My Pectinia pictured below (image is from last year) has several mouths, but is almost twice the size of the one pictured above.

Have a pink and rainbow favorite corals in tank btw saw one at pet world on Broward a few days ago
Anyone else? Tank's on the way, should have it next week. I have the lights, sand, aquaclear filter, soon as it's here with water, put in live rock, ready to go!!!

I saw some great little anthias that don't get very big (about 1 1/2") at the store that used to be Reef's Edge (can't remember the new name now, sorry)... may get a couple of those, a tailspot blenny, and a burrowing goby of some sort (maybe a tiger watchman, but they get big)
Finally got the tank up and running, first few corals are in. My apologies to Osteo, I was rushing the cycle by promising to pick up corals, then the tank came in cracked. No one's fault, just dumb luck.

Now he's sold most of the corals I was interested in ;( I'm glad, felt bad having him hold them.

So now I'm looking for a nice red chalice with different color (not red) eyes, a really nice monti digi, open to most colors but needs to be nice, and an Idaho grape capricornis. I'm packing in the corals, it's going to be a tight reef, let's see some color!
Congrats on getting it set up.

Pocci colony on the bottom center $30 obo.....

Colony of Palys.....$25 obo.....

Get either one I have a tiny frag of ponape and GSP FREE! Instant tank fillers. You know you want them, haha:lol2:
Yupper!!! Tsa held me over half an hour!!! They made me open every bag and they did a vapor test then a swab test for explosives on me and all the bags, inside and out.
I think the guy gave up around 3/4 of the way through, and let me go at that point. But, they DID not let me take 2 ice cold bottles of water I'd just bought AT the airport and still had a receipt for. Go figure, the clean drinking water is contraband, but the saltwater with living organisms isnt. They were all very nice, just doing their job.