Will someone plz tell me what i have going on here before I lose the few frags I have


New member
Last week some of my zoas were not opening completely but I didn't notice anything out of the norm w them and all my parameters were on point, then with in the last couple of days I have noticed this green brownish slime or fungus growing at the base of my zoas almost suffocating them, whatever it is it appears to be spreading, does anyone know what this is and is there a particular dip you guys recommend?
I know the pics are clearest, any help would be greatly appreciated...

What do you test for? What are nitrates/phosphates at? Those can be the key to algae blooms.

Da Maui Life, isn't cyano usually a deep purple/red color? It could be dinoflagellates. Sometimes it takes on a greenish hue.
The sad thing is I thought that as soon as I wrote it, my apologies

temp 77
calc. 420
alk 8.4
nitrates 20-30 ....rather high I know
phos .04
That's no problem. I don't see anything glaringly out of whack, but I can only see the last picture for some reason.
Ok, I was able to see your photobucket account and it looks like some form of algae. If you take the plugs out, zoas tend to do really well in a hydrogen peroxide dip. I typically take a turkey baster and squirt the zoas while still in the tank with tank water to irritate them and cause them to close up (I like to make sure they are closed before placing them in the dip).

Next take the zoas out and place in a cup or bucket of tank water, you don't need a lot of water, just enough to cover them completely. Once the zoas are in the water, add hydrogen peroxide (food grade 3%) until you start to see a small amount of bubbling; add it slowly and by the cap-full. I wouldn't exceed more than 25% hydrogen peroxide, but some people go as high as 50%. Once you have seen the algae start to bubble you can leave them in the dip for approximately 7-10 minutes, then pull the frags, rinse, and place back in the tank. Typically they will open back up within the hour. This should kill any algae on the frag plug.

I would only do this on the Zoas, and only the ones that appear irritated.