Will this be available for Profilux?


Premium Member
"apex-controller-play-nice-radion-leds" on that site we can't list here on RC. :rolleyes:
But it rhymes with beefbuilders.

Both Apex and Profilux have Vortech modules, so one can hope, right? :bigeyes:
Ecotech have not released any code this is a 3rd party patch from what I have been told.

GHL do things properly so we will wait for the official code.
ahhh, well i can understand that.
It *would* be nice to see eventually.

But I wonder about two things...
Now that Mitras are in the mix... tensions rising between ghl and ecotech?
And second, the talk about there being a wireless radion module of some sort being developed by ecotech themselves. Still wouldn't be integrated into Profilux though.
hmmm... I have a feeling this is probably just a pipe dream. :(
Complete opposite between GHL and Ecotech these two companies have the ultimate respect for each other and have even shared concepts in the past.

The end user does not see the priority list with manufacturers in terms of development times.

The old saying Rome was not built in day is very true