I picked up a frag of some (formerly) light pink zoas from a friend who had them under inadequate lighting... The polyps have turned brownish/reddish, but I have seen them gain a pink tinge over the past few days under my T5's. Will they return fully to their former pink coloration?
A lot of zoos will change colors under different lighting. Some will show better color in low light, others in high light. Give it some time, and I am sure they will get their pink back.
Tes they should.
I moved alot of my zoanthids from a tank with a 250watt mh to one with a 150 watt mh and they did bleach and loose color. When I moved them back, they recovered nicely.
Hey MJT, they probably will color up just give them time. By the way I'm up here in North MS. Give me a PM we might have to meet up for a trade some time.
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