New member
I was able to obtain a pair of flashing tilefishes. I know these are difficult to maintain, but I thought I would give it a shot since they were a good price and maybe the most amazing fish I have ever seen.
At the moment, they are residing in a 22g cube with a small leopard wrasse and a blue assessor. I thought I could keep a closer check on them in a smaller tank, plus they have the most docile tank mates ever. I plan to move them to the 90 once they have settled in and are eating well.
I offered some mysis this evening. Neither one came out of the rocks during feeding, but I saw them a minute ago and both had nice round bellies. They seem to stay right next to each other and I wonder if having more than one might ease their adjustment into captivity. There is (was?) one more left at the store and I'm debating on trying a trio.
I am really going to have to keep on top of my water quality with such a large bioload in a small tank. I think I will try 20% weekly changes and daily testing for NO3, ALK and pH.
Also, I am debating on hatching bbs until they are eating frozen well.
I'll try to keep this posted updated as to how well they do. I would love to hear any suggestions. Some of the most knowledgable reefers live right here in west TN. I am always learning something new on this board.
At the moment, they are residing in a 22g cube with a small leopard wrasse and a blue assessor. I thought I could keep a closer check on them in a smaller tank, plus they have the most docile tank mates ever. I plan to move them to the 90 once they have settled in and are eating well.
I offered some mysis this evening. Neither one came out of the rocks during feeding, but I saw them a minute ago and both had nice round bellies. They seem to stay right next to each other and I wonder if having more than one might ease their adjustment into captivity. There is (was?) one more left at the store and I'm debating on trying a trio.
I am really going to have to keep on top of my water quality with such a large bioload in a small tank. I think I will try 20% weekly changes and daily testing for NO3, ALK and pH.
Also, I am debating on hatching bbs until they are eating frozen well.
I'll try to keep this posted updated as to how well they do. I would love to hear any suggestions. Some of the most knowledgable reefers live right here in west TN. I am always learning something new on this board.