WOOHOO got sponsor to go to MACNA 2012!! Anyone else going??


New member
Hi local reefer!! As you know this year MACNA will be in Dallas. My girl is from Dallas so this is a great opportunity for me to attend this event. I was thinking it'll be fun if I could get atleast 5 local reefer willing to pitch in money for a rental van and gas for a road trip, otherwise I'll be flying. :eek1:MANCA 2012 here I come, I'm so exited LOL!!:crazy1::lolspin:

For more info on ticket pricing you can go to their website at https://www.dfwmacna.com
With it being so so far away, you might want to keep this periodically bumped. You might not get any commitments till 2-3 months prior and that is when you'd likely get a plane ticket anyways :)
Thanks Gomer!! I'll keep that in mind. Thought I give local reefer an early heads up cause early ticket is very cheap right now. For any reefer that are interested I suggest getting the ticket now because it will be very expensive if you get them later.
I'd like to go, I'll know more in several months what my plans will be, but "if" I go, and we get a couple extras I'd be down to pitch on a van and ride out, but I'd wanna check on ticket prices first.

Also, probably worth noting, since it confused me, that this is for NEXT years MACNA, not this year, but with the year almost over it's soon to be a moot point.