

Colored Sticks addict
I just got a call from my buddy and his father offered to GIVE ME FOR FREE a 155G bowfront!! Its got corner overflows and a sump as well! I'm now going to try to sell my current tank(190G) so I dont have to take it with me to save room/stress for the drive back.

Just super pumped about it so i had to share :lol:
Thanks! I actually sold the tank today and its being picked up on friday :dance:

This will save me alot of stress with the drive!
u 190 was sick tho! like the dimensions and all lol

Yea I'm gonna miss the 190. :( I really want a shallow 300G, but I dont know if it will fit well in the house im moving into. 72"L x 48"W x 18" tall.... Sweeet(said in Cartman voice) So for now the 155 will have to do. :)
Sad day

Sad day

From this:

To this:
