Woooo hooo....rics outta QT - eye candy


New member
I decided to order some color variants and start making "ric rocks" in my tank. The first batch is out of the quarantine tank and adjusting to their new home (a 29 g). Next week I will start organizing and making ric rocks for a ric garden.






Coralmorphologic - have placed three orders with them so far and rics are always exactly like the WYSIWYG pics and two as big as anywhere else I have ordered from. If you live in FL it is even better because you get the discounted shipping.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12495831#post12495831 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by daveverdo
Looks nice. Could you let us know where you ordered those from?

what are the requirements to keeping this type of coral? The colors on that selection is AMAZING. I would like to add some of these to my reef as well. (just getting started on my reef)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12571334#post12571334 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by imprezed02
very nice...i also see some tub blue zoos?

LMAO - sorry, I thought this thread had fallen off - yeppers - tubs blue!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12571381#post12571381 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jeff
Very nice! Can you explain your qt procedure?

Nothing unusual - I have a couple of nanocubes I use for QT - I have wayyyy too much invested in my corals to just throw new corals/fish into my main tanks. Generally everything has to go into QT for at least six weeks - usually longer if things are hectic at work. I will also put a couple of snails in with the corals. If I spot any type of algae, I will also put an emerald crab in the QT. Once I remove everything from QT, the tank is completely emptied, cleaned, and reset for the next time the buyer impulse takes over. Water parameters are the same as the final destination tank - I pick up used low-wattage MH lighting to make certain any SPS can survive the QT stay.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12596202#post12596202 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by apelaston
what are the requirements to keeping this type of coral? The colors on that selection is AMAZING. I would like to add some of these to my reef as well. (just getting started on my reef)

I have kept them under dual power compacts, T5s, and currently 150W 14K MH. Just remember that with the more intense light, you will want the rics lower in the tank - with the PCs, I always kept them at the top of the tank.

In terms of coloration, that is the way they came. I have never been able to take a dull shipment and make them bright, I can maintain the brightness if they come in that way (guess I don't have that special touch). Some folks feed them directly with small pieces of silversides, mysis shrimp, etc., which could be my problem since I just let the food the clownfish didn't want land on the rics and they eat that.